Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lost: Happily Ever After Review

Summary: Best Episode so far! That's the summary!
To be more in depth, Desmond wakes up, pissed to discover he's back on the island. Widmore locks him in what appears to be a machine that will fry him (as it just fried a redshirt). The machine gets turned on, and we flash to sideways world, where we spend most of the rest of the episode.
AltLost: Desmond is Widmore's successful right hand man, and was really on the flight 815. Widmore sends him to pick up a certain druggie bassist, none other than Mr. Charlie Pace! Charlie tells Desmond that as he was dying from the drugs caught in his throat, he had a vision of a beautiful blonde woman (Claire!). And it was real... And to prove it, Charlie crashes Desmond's car into a lake, and as Desmond frantically tries to pull Charlie out, he starts to remember Charlie drowning in the Looking Glass. Desmond rescues Charlie, and at the hospital, he starts to have memories of Penny. Charlie ditches Desmond after telling him to find Penny.
Widmore is not happy to have lost the bassist, so he sends Desmond to apologize to his wife and son. Eloise doesn't worry about it, but gets really concerned and upset when Desmond tries to inquire about Penny. Desmond is about to give up when Daniel Faraday shows up and shows him the way! Apparently, Dan saw a redhead (Charlotte!) in a museum, and fell instantly in love. Then he dreamt some nuclear equations, and figured out that he set off a nuclear bomb. He tells Desmond where to find Penny. Desmond finds Penny running in a stadium, and as he introduces herself, he...
wakes up on the Island. And here, he forgives Widmore for kidnapping him and swears to help him. As he's walking, Sayid shows up and kills some of Widmore's guards, and then takes Desmond with him. And then Des flashes back to Altworld...
Where he gets a date with Penny, and then asks his driver (George! Minkowski!) to get the flight manifest.
"Because I have something to show them."

Reactions: Best episode this season. A purpose for the Alt world. A direction for the end of the season. Desmond episodes always rock, and this was no exception. It helped that two of my favorite deceased characters - Faraday and Charlie are back. I wish Charlie had been funnier though...

Themes: True love. Penny is a constant. Desmond is unique. Sayid is not someone you want to run into in a dark jungle at night.

Speculation: From my good friend Dave, a theory that the sideways world is sort of a deal with the devil - Most of the losties have gotten what they think they want. Jack has solved his daddy issues. Sayid gets a chance to repent. Jin and Sun are together. Desmond has Widmore's approval. But just like any good deal with the devil, those are two sided - Jin and Sun are together, but Sun's shot. Jack solved his daddy issues by becoming a daddy (with issues). Desmond has Widmore's approval, but no Penny. Sayid gets a chance to repent, but fails... Kate and Sawyer I'm unsure of.

Next week is Hurley. I'm apprehensive - Hurley episodes are of two sorts. There's "Everybody Hates Hugo" which was boring and didn't really move the plot... And then there's "Numbers" which was integral to the mythology of the show. I think this will be more of a "Numbers" episode though - we're in the stage of the season where we need to set up the finale, and Hurley's ability to talk to dead people (Jacob, and was that Michael (WWWAAALLLTTT!!!) in the previews?) should lead to some interesting revelations.

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