Monday, April 5, 2010

Lost: The Package Review

Summary: On the the island, Jin is kidnapped by Widmore, who also has DESMOND in the sub. Sun sees Locke, then runs away and gets Aphasia. Jack gets her a pad of paper, and they make up.
Um, what else? Sawyer makes fun of the smoke monster. Sayid gets sent over to spy/assassinate Widmore?
ALT Lost - Jin and Sun aren't married, but they still are knocking boots, which means Sun is pregnant, and she wants to run away with Jin. Since the money has been confiscated, Keamy kidnaps Jin, and then tells Sun (via Mikhail "Patchy") to get the money. Keamy and team are killed by Sayid, who assists Jin in escaping. Jin shoots Mikhail through the eye, but not before Pregno Sun is shot.

Reaction: Sun/Jin episodes always bore me. There were a few interesting things that happened, but overall a let down. Even the reveal of Desmond was clumsy and easily predicted. Things I liked? Sawyer being a smartaleck, Action!Richard, and Sun not screwing around with Locke, but running away. Things I don't like: Sun / Jin. Things I'm actually neutral about: Aphasia. Who cares - it's Sun.

Themes: The helplessness of language barrier. Some people not being meant for each other. Locke offering a choice - and sides being clarified.

Speculation: Maybe the key to the aphasia is the start of the universes bleeding through to each other... Other than that, I have no idea. Desmond is next week, so my prediction is that one of two things will happen:

1) Desmond will change something profound - we will be having much different discussions next week.
2) Desmond will make a surprising allegiance change. With Widmore perhaps?

1 comment:

David Morgan said...

my only thought on the aphasia thing is her consciousness sort of changed to timeline B in which she can't speak english? that sort of almost makes sense right?

i agree that Des will change something major tonight. i think his being 'special' will have somethign to do with the timelines. sort of like how he was skipping around in 'the constant.' it could be something like that. because he was exposed to the electromagnetism/turned the key.

but will tonight be desmond's flash-sideways, or flashback? dont be need both?? bah.