Friday, May 14, 2010

Lost: The Candidate Review

Originally posted this to the wrong Blog!

Starting with the Alt, Jack can't leave poor Locke alone - he wants to fix him. Locke refuses, so Jack goes on a Jackian journey to discover why. Turns out Locke was in a plane crash - he was the pilot. His dad (Anthony Cooper) became a vegetable as a result. Locke, who was muttering some Island type sayings in his sleep, turns down Jack's offer to help him.
On the island, Sawyer and everyone else are locked in the cages. Jack and Smokey rescue them, and they all make their way to the plane. Fauxcke disarms the planes C4, and they decide the safer route would be to take the sub. On the suspiciously unarmed dock, Jack knocks Fauxcke in the water, and they all run into the sub and press submerge. Fauxcke, along with Claire, are left on the dock. On the way, Kate gets shot but lives.
In the sub, Jack is tending to Kate when they discover that Fauxcke screwed them by planting the C4 in Jack's backpack. They have 2 minutes, and it will take five minutes to get to the top. Jack tries to convince everyone that nothing can happen because they are candidates. Sawyer, with echoes of Juliet in his eyes, doesn't believe him and pulls the wires. The bomb stops for a heartbeat, and then speeds up.
Sayid tells Jack about Desmond who is still alive, and then runs the bomb to the other side of the sub, sacrificing himself. The bomb explodes and the sub starts sinking. Frank is killed (presumably) by a door that bursts. Hurley takes Kate and escapes, and Sawyer, Jack and Jin attempt to free Sun who is trapped by some wreckage. Something collapses and hits Sawyer on the head, and Jin screams at Jack to get Sawyer out. And then, in one of the saddest moments in Lost, Jin refuses to leave Sun trapped, and they drown, together.
Jack, Sawyer, Kate, and Hurley wash up on the share, and cry.
Reactions: What a bloodbath... Absolutely brutal. I was just about in tears as Jin refused to leave Sun. And Sayid - what a heroic exit. In a way, I feel all the characters went out the best way possible - Jin/Sun touched us, Sayid was heroic, and Frank gave one of his classic one liners.
Sawyer is gonna be wrecked. At least Jack's plan only killed Juliet.
Also, how freaking evil is Fauxcke? Terry O Quinn has been amazing.
Themes: True love, redemption in the alt, Jack has to fix things. The man of science/man of faith dilemma now appears to rest a bit in Jack / Sawyer - also a bit of the Destiny / Free Will component.
Speculation: Maybe now we're going to go get some revenge on Fauxcke? Next week is "Across the Sea."

Fare thee well in the alternate, Jin / Sun.

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