Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost: The End

I don't even know where to begin.

Six years of my life came to an end last night. And it was.... amazing.

I don't want to say perfect, because it wasn't. I still have questions. There are still unanswered plot points. So from a plot and mythology standpoint, it wasn't perfect.

But from a character standpoint? It was perfect. Every scene in the alt tonight killed. I take back all the negative thoughts and opinions I had about the alt from the beginning of the season.

The Island? Good, not great. Nothing extraordinary. I did love Hurley becoming the new new Jacob, and nearly cried when he refused to let Jack sacrifice himself... And Hurley offering Ben Richard's position... Man, Hurley was really the best of them, huh?

The Locke / Jack fight was suitably epic. Just amazing. I really liked the heroic shot of Jack jumping to punch Locke in the head, right before it went to commercial. I liked that Kate got to shoot Locke (even though she didn't know he was mortal, so she's still dumb).

Frank and Richard being alive was happy. I was so afraid of one of them getting shot in the outrigger by Juliet (one of the beefs with season six - no outrigger chase scene). Happy that they got to fly away - although it made me smile and think of a sequel to Lost, where Frank crashes the Ajira plane on a different deserted island...

The Alt was, like I said before, amazing. I lost it when Charlie and Claire reunited... And Jin/Sun. And Juliet/Sawyer. Just amazing.

I loved the very end - the mirror of the opening scene. Jack's eye closing felt a perfect way to end the series.

And finally, the twist. That the alt was not in fact an alternate universe - but a waiting room for heaven. And that all these people chose to wait for each other. It's a bit like the season 3 finale - where we had to rewatch the episode to understand more of the flashbacks (flashforwards!). Now, we need to reexamine all of season six.

This was such a beautiful poetic way to end the series. I was afraid they would all wake up happily ever after and that would cheapen the real sacrifices made. This was so much better; and it helps explain some of the issues with continuity in the Alt. Just an amazing beautiful way to end the show.

I'm rambling, but that's where the show left me.

It only ends once. Everything else is just progress...

P.S. I hate you, Jimmy Kimmel.

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