Thursday, November 12, 2009

Random Thoughts - 13

Here's a curious question:

Why do I seem to do fine with new posts on this blog when I'm not expecting to do any,

But when I write out a plan or an idea, my posts immediately drop in content/quality?

For your review:
September: 31 posts.
October 01: Post reviewing 31 posts, promising even more for October
October: 10 posts.

Same pattern in 2008.

It's weird. Maybe it has to do with this idea that I recently read - our brains need spontaneity, in order to stimulate the correct brain side. The book (Intuitive Leadership, review coming soon?) talked about how in any creative endeavor, more time and more effort do not equal more of a succesful endeavor. You can't force creativity, you can only nurture it.

If you can't "solve" your creative puzzle, go read a book / play football / watch simpsons. Then come back and be amazed.

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