Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Introverts in the Church Review

Introverts in the Church Review by Adam McHugh

Adam McHugh has written a comprehensive review of introversion in the Church. Starting with a discussion about the dominance of extroversion in our culture and most particularly in the Church around us, McHugh then moves the reader through how introverts can find healing in the church, what introverts can offer the church as introverts, and how introverts can lead effectively without pretending to be extroverts.

I said this book was comprehensive – and it is. It is well written, and McHugh (an introvert himself) leaves no stones unturned. In particular, the opening chapter, in which McHugh explains how the Church is primarily extroverted., can be an eye opening experience – for an extrovert like me. It’s easy to look past how church is done and assume that the way I feel comfortable with is the correct way – and that’s not always true.

In fact, my only concern after reading this book is that it is written to introverts. As I was reading as an extrovert, if I read too much at once, I could walk away almost… depressed, for lack of a better term. It was overwhelming to see how little the Church does for introverts and how much it does do for extroverts. Seeing as how I believe this book is bringing some balance to an extremely unbalanced aspect of Church (and culture), I almost wish McHugh would write a companion book, to extroverts.

Even so, this book is a very important read. McHugh has explained so much that it helps me understand my introverted wife better – as well as other introverts I have relationships with. I recommend it as a read for anyone with introverts in their social circles (everyone) and anyone who interacts in large group settings (Church!). 4/5.

This review posted on Amazon.com and andyszymas.blogspot.com; I would like to thank Intervarsity Press for the review copy.

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