Thursday, July 8, 2010


I really like the cloud that appears at the bottom of the right column on this blog.

What the cloud is is a ordering of what I've tagged different posts to be about. So anytime I wrote a post about choices or abortion and tagged that I did, it is referenced in the cloud. The more often I refer to something, the larger the link to that tag becomes.

So here are some of the largest tags:

Random Thoughts
Somebody Smarter Said
Hey Neat-O

The last two are long running "series." Random Thoughts is just thought - random musings. Two of them - including the predominate heavyweight "Reviews" refer mostly to movies.

Why is that I spend so much time musing on movies? Even my most recent series "Signs" was headlined by movie quotes.

I think it's because in some ways movies can say things that are true even when they are a fictional enterprise. Books can do this too; but books are entirely a visual medium. Movies are increasingly multisensual - stimulating vision and hearing and even olfactory and taste senses.

There are true aspects to movies. Sometimes I wonder if I could ever get involved with moviemaking. I read a book recently and all I could think about was how cool of a movie it would make - how I would frame the shots for maximum suspense, what sort of music, how to avoid being cliche...

I wrote a screenplay once. It was four pages long and was a love story told between different types of IHOP syrups. I won an award at school, and briefly thought about continuing down that path. But I never did. You can found the original video on my facebook page (I believe the youtube page has had the audio track removed for copyright violations).

I just recently created my first animated film. It's below, and I entered it into the Million Miles Short Film Contest. Didn't win, but I didn't really try.

I guess what I'm wondering and rambling on about is whether I should continue this path. It could end up with me winning an academy award someday, or perhaps I'll create dumb little skitvideos for church use.

I have no idea what this post was going to be, and this is what it is. Strange world.

1 comment:

David Morgan said...

heeheehee that video made me giggle