Monday, July 26, 2010

Silly Christianity: Christian Idols

So if you didn't hear, Mel Gibson is persona non grata (again). Allegedly, he hit the woman he was with and threatened her. Hollywood is quickly abandoning him - and in this case, Christianity beat hollywood to the punch.

You see, Mel Gibson was the king of Christianity for a couple of months in 2004. People were pouring into theaters to see his unashamedly Christian "The Passion of the Christ." It became one of the more financially successful films of all time, at one point being the third highest grossing movie in history. Christians looked up to Mel for sticking it to the man (leftist hollywood), forgetting his tendency to show his rear end or kill people (and Gary Busey) violently in his other movies. It was the era where the Christian right could do anything - note the presidential election that followed shortly.

Then Mel got pulled over and made some racist comments. Then he made the unashamedly violent Apocalypto. And Christianity dropped him faster than a Detroit Lions receiver drops the football.

So he joins the ranks of other "Christian" celebrities to fall from grace: Britney Spears, Scott Stapp, Jennifer Knapp, Ted Haggard, Kate Gosselin, etc. Heck, you can probably put George W. Bush on that list too.

So who's next? Who have we as christians portrayed as saints so much that it's just a matter of time before we realize they're human? I'm not as in touch with "cultural christianity" as I used to be - so what say you? I'll rule out Obama because half of the country wouldn't be surprised anyway. Maybe Tony Dungy?


David Morgan said...

Tony Dungy? no way he's legit.

Kate Gosslein is a perfect example. How about kurt warner? kirk cameron? michael w smith?

Andy said...

I wrote the entire article and of course missed the most obvious candidate: Tim Tebow.

Men Who Pray said...

This is to signify that I have read this blog post.

David Morgan said...


couldn't have been more obvious. excellent call.