Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Somebody told me they don't believe in New Years Resolutions today, because they are concerned about being saddled with unnecessary guilt.

I believe a New Year is an opportunity to set the tone for the next year. It's not about saying "I will lose 10 pounds." It's about saying "This year, I want to be a better person." "This year, I'm going to focus on being holistic."

It's not about specific goals, but about ideas.

So in that vein, here are my specific goals for the year. I'm intentionally aiming high.

1. Lose 50 pounds.
2. Rewrite Ashram.
3. Complete a new book/project.
4. Take a ferry.
5. Go to an NFL game in person.
6. Beat my record of blog posts (109).
7. Complete my Space Marine and Lizardmen armies.
8. Win a tournament with one of those armies.
9. Get 3 Stars on all Angry Bird levels.
10. Surprise my wife with flowers at least 1/2 dozen times.
11. Visit the Space Needle.
12. Run a 5k.
13. Get less holes in my socks.
14. Pay off our PT Cruiser.
15. Be published on a website (not blog).
16. Triple my monthly blog visits.
17. Create a 5 year plan for my life.
18. Move into a new apartment/space.
19. Engage better at work.
20. Rewrite the instruction manual at work.
21. Create a home budget.
22. Get a desktop computer.
23. Win a fantasy football league.
24. Improve my NFL picks.
25. Listen to more sermons.
26. Get internet for my home.
27. Try a new restaurant every other month.
28. Create a list of movies/books that I own.
29. Create a list of movies/books that I want to own.
30. Create a list of movies/books that I've seen/read.
31. Own all the Animorphs books.
32. Create 2 short films.
33. Write 3 sermons/devotionals (that aren't for anything specific).
34. Get Ashram printed/published (self publish if necessary).
35. Own a sportcoat.

That's good enough. We'll start there!

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