Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nerd Files - 4

I have an unhealthy fascination with minesweeper.
The game that comes on every windows computer.
It's so much fun to me. I used to hate it - because I didn't understand. I thought the numbers were random and meaningless. But they're not! The numbers have purpose!
(The numbers are cursed the numbers are bad 4 8 15 16 23 42!!!!!)
Sorry. I'm having Lost withdrawals. But yeah - the numbers tell the number of mines around that space. So using some logic and deduction, you can almost always solve the problem.
Until you get to the last mine. Where logic leaves you with two equal possibilities. A 50/50 shot after spending 346 seconds logically solving the rest.
Here's a secret - I fail approximately 90% of my 50/50 tests. Seriously. I've never won when it came down to that.
But that doesn't stop me from trying.

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