Thursday, June 24, 2010

Signs: "There are other forces at work in this world besides the will of evil."

So how do we reconcile some of what I've talked about with the Biblical presentation of God?

How can we use quantum physics to learn about Jesus?

Let's start by talking about Dimensions.

You and I operate in three and a half dimensions. We can move forward/backward and left/right and up/down. Obviously, there are constraints in that - we are bound by gravity and by the objects surrounding us. But we exert limited control over three dimensions.

We also experience a fourth dimension - time. Time is different because we exert no control over it. It happens to us.

Superstring theory posits that there may be as many as 11 dimensions. That means there are seven other dimensions that we do not experience. This is pretty impossible to wrap our heads around - scientists can't even begin to imagine what a new dimension is like. Let's try an exercise to imagine the difference.

Take your everyday world and subtract one dimension, width. You can still move forward and backwards, you can still jump up and down, but you can't move left or right. In fact, you have no concept of left and right. Everything is flat. You are Mario, before the N64. Your world is flat; it could balance on a razor blade.

How could Mario-You and Real3D-You interact? You have width; which means that Mario-You would never be able to see all of you. Mario-You would only be able to experience the tiniest sliver of your person at a time - they could see a razor's width of you at a time. It's like the old joke about 3 blind beggars feeling an elephant, but to an even greater extreme.

If you interacted with a 2 dimensional character, you would, for all intents and purposes, be a god to them. They could never harm you because they can barely interact with you. They could never really know you. You would have to become a 2 dimensional figure to interact and to be really known.

So that's the experience we have when we subtract a single dimension. Imagine adding seven. What if God operates in 11 dimensions? We could never really interact with God. He would be ultimately powerful and beyond our plane of understanding.

Read Hyperion by Dan Simmons to understand just how powerful you would be if you simply had control over the fourth dimension, time. That power, used for evil, would be catastrophic.

So my thought is that God operates in 11 dimensions (with the 11th dimension being perhaps Love?). And to interact and be fully known, he took on a persona of 3 dimensions...

As a being that is beyond our understanding, God created this world - in the same sort of way, perhaps, that we've created Mario and Minesweeper. And he built in certain mechanisms that work on a dimension that we don't understand.

One of those mechanisms is that of Affirmations, which we already discussed. I'm sure there are others.

This post is probably the most speculative of any in this series so far. It's entirely what I think. What do you think of my crackpot ideas?

Tune in Monday for a wrap up of the series.


Men Who Pray said...

My thought is that God is not bound by time or space, thus removing at least 4 of the 11 dimensions (time, width, forward/backward, up/down).

I also know that He is described at omniscient, omnipotent, and omni-present. All-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere at once.

I do find it profound that Jesus came and limited himself to the same forces that control us, just so that the example He laid out for us could have no loopholes. That is, no one could look at it and say, "that doesn't apply to me."

I know of people who have been raised from the dead, transported from place to place, have had dreams telling them the future, all which seem to speak that although we live in a 3 dimensional world, these restrictions don't seem to always apply to us.

I also take literally the verse, "Nothing is impossible with God"

Those are my thoughts

jsquigg said...

Wow Andy! These are great thoughts. You should start a Trekkie church ;-)