Saturday, September 19, 2009

On Writing Review

On Writing by Stephen King

Stephen King is certainly one of, if not the, most famous authors of the current landscape. His works have sold, by estimate, 300-350 million copies.

Holy smokes. So when he has something to say about writing, or at least writing to people, I'll listen anyway.

And indeed, this half-autobiography half-creative writing text is very useful. His toolbox (the middle part of the book, full of writing tools), in particular, is of extreme interest to me.

Kings advice on characters, his advice on plot vs story, his advice on writing in general, is all useful advice. Indeed, his description of writing as telepathy is interesting and probably deserves a post of its own.

I give it 4/5, because I was less interested in the autobiographical first part of the book. Very useful book to pick up on writing though.

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