Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing Tips - 5

When I was in college, I started a little comedy website (so little, the only people who saw it were friends I made look at it). Part of the appeal was that I would write a weekly comedy article. After awhile, my (ex)girlfriends family started reading it. And they were appalled. Appalled probably because I laughed at things that were funny, and didn't spend the entire weekly newsletter trying to convert my already-christian friends.

I gave up on the newsletter. Because I wasn't doing what they wanted. I was writing to impress, instead of writing to be a better writer, or to communicate what I was thinking.

Don't write for others. Don't write to impress other people.

It's pretty simple really.

Don't write for an audience, to get published, or to be famous.

When you write for someone else, you have to ignore the inner voice that you have which should be guiding your writing. Writing is about an attempt to put the human soul on paper.

Your soul exists in community with other people. not simply for the benefit of other people.


Jessica said...

Why is there no "I like" feature on this page? Andy, I like.

Geom said...

You're right- you shouldn't write for other...people. BUT you should instead write for God. When you write, read what you've written and ask yourself, "does this Glorify God or does it dishonor Him? Does it line up with God's standards outlined in the Bible?" If Glorifies God by lining up with His standards in the Bible, then it doesn't matter what people think. Just matters what God thinks.